Wooden Toys Canada

Ignite your child’s creativity with our handcrafted wooden toys. Made with love, our toys are safe, durable and eco-friendly.

About Alex & Cora Wooden Toys

We are a family-run business dedicated to creating high-quality, safe wooden toys for children. Wood is natural, but that doesn't mean it's safe for your child. Trees produce toxins that protect them against insects and fungus - Unfortunately, these toxins can also irritate or even cause a severe allergic reaction in people. Our wooden toys are made from wood with a low risk of reaction and allergies and then sealed with food-safe oils that do not contain heavy metal drier additives.

Follow our journey.


Sustainability & Wooden Toys

With Alex, our first baby, we bought every toy imaginable. And with a large extended family, Alex was gifted with every plastic, noise-making, gigantic toy on the market. 

This time around with Cora, we are determined to do better, reduce our plastic waste, and focus on long-lasting toys that inspire imagination and open-ended play.