Green Alternatives to Popular Baby Toys


See my blog post on Tradle, A busy parent’s gift guide to sustainable baby toys.

Around 6-months your baby is going to start to play, and I mean really play, not just gumming and grasping toys. At this age, you’re going to start seeing their adorable imagination emerge. With my first baby, I bought every toy imaginable. And since he was also a first grandchild, grandparents also spoiled him with every plastic, noise-making, gigantic toy - keep in mind too that we lived in a 1-bedroom condo at the time.

Fast forward to 9 years later. We’ve since moved out of the 1-bedroom and have a room dedicated to toys - a room that my son never goes in.

This time around with Cora I am determined to do better.
— A Busy Parent's Blog to Sustainability, Jahzel Misner

Sustainable Advent Calendars


Quick Guide to Homeschooling in B.C.